Saturday after Ash Wednesday

Brief Reflection for the Saturday after Ash Wednesday (Isaiah 58:9b-14; Luke 5:27-32)

The first reading from Isaiah reminds us that God’s chosen “fast” goes beyond mere external practices. It involves removing oppression and judgment from our midst, sharing our bread with the hungry, and opening our hearts to the needy. When our faith transforms us from the inside out, God promises we will find light amid darkness and experience profound inner restoration.

In the Gospel, Jesus calls Levi (Matthew) to follow him. In doing so, He not only reaches out to someone seen as a sinner, but also reveals that His mission is to call all people—especially those who recognize their failings—to repentance and new life. This reminds us that true conversion isn’t about condemning ourselves or others but allowing God to heal us and guide us closer to His love.

During this Lenten journey, let’s strive for an interior transformation that leads to concrete acts of mercy. May we be open to Christ’s call—like Levi—and share God’s compassion with those who are most in need.


First Sunday of Lent


Friday after Ash Wednesday