Donate Online to the Cathedral Concert Series
All donations are gratefully acknowledged in each concert program.
Please indicate desired donation level then click the Donate button at the bottom of the page. You will be prompted to indicate how you wish your name to be listed in the concert program. Indicate "anonymous" if you wish your donation to remain anonymous and not be listed in the program.
Please click on your desired donation on amount.
$50 for 50 years
(Indicate donation amount on next screen)
Includes 12 Preferred Seating Cards*
Includes 10 Preferred Seating Cards*
Includes 6 Preferred Seating Cards*
Includes 4 Preferred Seating Cards*
Includes 2 Preferred Seating Cards*
* The Preferred Seating Card offers complimentary tickets in the reserved seating section for each event.
May God reward your generosity many times over!