Cathedral Recordings
Each CD is $15.
Giuseppe Verdi: Messa Da Requiem
The Archdiocesan and Cathedral Choirs
with the Cathedral Symphony Orchestra
John J. Miller, conductor
The 31st Annual Carol Sing
The Cathedral Choir with
the Chamber Orchestra and Audience
John J. Miller, conductor
Salve Mater:
A Tribute to the Sesquicentennial
of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception
The Cathedral Choir - John J. Miller, conductor
Sounds of Celebration:
The Concert Band Music of Michael Valenti
The Ridgewood Concert Band conducted by Christian Wilhjelm
with Cathedral organist, John Miller
Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart
Alan Morrison, organist
Organic Band: The Ridgewood Concert Band
Christian Wilhjelm, conductor and David Fedor, organist
Midnight Pipes
Charles-Marie Widor's Fifth Organ Symphony
at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart
Frederick Hohman, organist/host
Cathedral of The Sacred Heart:
Music for Choir, Soloists and Organ (LP)
Robert MacDonald, organist