Friday after Ash Wednesday

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Today’s readings highlight the true meaning of fasting, particularly from the first reading (Is 58:1-9) where the prophet Isaiah calls us to look beyond empty ritual and instead practice a fast that leads to concrete acts of justice and mercy. Merely abstaining from food is not enough; God wants our hearts and actions to reflect His compassion—caring for those in need, releasing those bound by injustice, and sharing our blessings with others.

In the Gospel (Mt 9:14-15), Jesus reminds us that fasting is not about rigid legalism but about preparing our hearts for deeper communion with Him. While His disciples do not fast when they are with the Bridegroom, they will fast when He is taken from them—showing that our spiritual practices are meant to unite us more intimately with Christ.

As we journey through Lent, let us remember that true fasting goes hand in hand with active love for neighbor. May our sacrifices lead us to be more generous, more just, and more aware of God’s presence among us.


Saturday after Ash Wednesday


Thursday after Ash Wednesday