Concert Series
The Cathedral Basilica Concert Series 2024-2025 (56th Season of Concerts)
With great enthusiasm and high energy, we announce the 56th season of performances of the Cathedral Concert Series. To show our ongoing gratitude to our concert-goers, and to continue expressing how much we look forward to seeing you again, the Cathedral Concert Series is proud to offer (again!) every performance in this season with no admission charge (not including the December 22, Messiah performance). We hope this incentive will keep inspiring our audiences to re-visit this beautiful neo-Gothic edifice and to share in its majestic splendor, while enjoying some very beautiful music.
Beginning in September, the series includes eleven full-length concerts featuring diverse, high-calibre performances from world-class artists at no cost to the concert goer. These concerts are complimented by 'Wednesdays at Noon' - a series of eight half-hour recitals followed by a half-hour tour of the Cathedral. The 2024/2025 season concludes with a performance of Franz Josef Haydn’s CREATION with the New Jersey Symphony accompanying the Archdiocesan Festival and Cathedral Choirs and Soloists.
Many of the concerts will feature the Cathedral Basilica's awe-inspiring Schantz organ. With 9,513 pipes, this magnificent organ is the largest of its kind in the Garden State. We sincerely hope concertgoers will be inspired, and their spirits uplifted by the abundance of music being offered.
Performance livestreams can be found on the Cathedral Basilica Facebook Page and/or YouTube Channel:
Doors open one hour prior to each concert. All events are open seating and available on a first come first serve basis.
Organ Recital
A Concert in Honor of the Faithful Departed
Office for Music Ministry Contact Information
John J. Miller, MM FAGO
Director of Music Ministries, Cathedral Basilica
Artistic Director, Cathedral Concert Series
Music Coordinator, Archdiocese of Newark
Director, NPM Newark Chapter
(973) 484-2400 (Phone)
(973) 497-9336 (Fax)
Kristin Dabaghian, Associate Organist
Olfary Gutiérrez, Coordinator of Hispanic Music Ministry
Kimberley Mesiti, Music Office Administrative Assistant
Carol Resch, Music Office Assistant