Journeying to the Resurrection

Journeying to the Resurrection

Join JESUS IN ZION a traveling community of Catholic collaborators—musicians, religious, and missionaries—dedicated to igniting radical praise and worship for Jesus Christ. 

Through live music, bold intercessory prayer, deliverance, and profound encounters with the Blessed Sacrament, we open space for God’s transformative grace to renew hearts and spark revival wherever we go.

Guest speakers: Rev. Vincent Druding and Chinwe Esimai.

The Sacrament of Confession will be available to help you embrace God’s mercy and grace.

Mark your calendar—you don’t want to miss it!

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Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Mass Schedule Palm Sunday/ Domingo de Ramos

  • (Saturday, April 12 - Vigil Mass @ 5 PM

  • Masses @ 8:30 AM

  • 10:00 AM (Español)

  • 12 Noon

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Good Friday / Viernes Santo

Good Friday / Viernes Santo

Good Friday/ Viernes Santo

  • 12:00 PM - Stations of the Cross (English)

  • 3:00 PM - Passion of the Lord - with Cardenal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., D.D.

  • 5:00 PM - Pasión de Nuestro Señor (Español)

  • 6:00 PM - Via Crucis por las calles de Newark

  • 8:00 PM - Choral Meditations on the Stations of the Cross

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Lenten Evening of Reflection

Lenten Evening of Reflection

Join us for a night of prayer and adoration!

"RETURN TO THE HEART: A Lenten Journey of Renewal."

Lent is a sacred time for prayer, fasting, and renewed commitment to our faith. All are welcome to come and receive ashes as a sign of our call to repentance and transformation. Let us walk together, preparing our hearts for Easter through reflection, service, and deeper communion with God.

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Noche de Reflexión de Cuaresma

Noche de Reflexión de Cuaresma

Join us for a night of prayer and adoration!

"RETURN TO THE HEART: A Lenten Journey of Renewal."

La Cuaresma es un tiempo sagrado para la oración, el ayuno y el compromiso renovado con nuestra fe. Todos son bienvenidos a venir y recibir las cenizas como un signo de nuestro llamado al arrepentimiento y la transformación. Caminemos juntos, preparando nuestros corazones para la Pascua a través de la reflexión, el servicio y una comunión más profunda con Dios.

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The 53rd Candlelight Carol Sing (Copy)

The 53rd Candlelight Carol Sing (Copy)

Experience the magic of Christmas with us at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart! 🌟 Immerse yourself in the joyful spirit of the season as the Cathedral Choirs, accompanied by the grandeur of our pipe organ and a stunning candlelit atmosphere, perform beloved carols and sacred music.

This cherished tradition is a heartwarming way to celebrate the beauty and wonder of Christmas. Bring your family and friends for an unforgettable evening filled with music, light, and holiday cheer.

Admission is free, and all are welcome! 🎄✨

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The 53rd Candlelight Carol Sing

The 53rd Candlelight Carol Sing

  • Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Experience the magic of Christmas with us at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart! 🌟 Immerse yourself in the joyful spirit of the season as the Cathedral Choirs, accompanied by the grandeur of our pipe organ and a stunning candlelit atmosphere, perform beloved carols and sacred music.

This cherished tradition is a heartwarming way to celebrate the beauty and wonder of Christmas. Bring your family and friends for an unforgettable evening filled with music, light, and holiday cheer.

Admission is free, and all are welcome! 🎄✨

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Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass

Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass

¡Únete a la Celebración de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe!

La Catedral Basílica del Sagrado Corazón te invita a celebrar juntos a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Madre de las Américas.

Ven y acompáñanos en esta solemne Misa de Fiesta llena de fe, devoción y alegría. Celebraremos a nuestra Madre del cielo con cantos, oraciones y mucha gratitud.

Trae a tu familia y amigos para vivir esta hermosa tradición. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!

Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, ruega por nosotros.

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Noche de Reflexión de Adviento

Noche de Reflexión de Adviento

¡Prepara tu corazón para el verdadero significado de la Navidad! Únete a nosotros para una velada de oración, reflexión y paz mientras recorremos juntos el camino del Adviento.

Pausamos del ajetreo de las fiestas para reflexionar sobre la esperanza, la alegría y el amor con la venida de Cristo. 🙏✨

🎶 Todos son bienvenidos a este tiempo de renovación espiritual mientras nos preparamos para el nacimiento de nuestro Salvador.

#ReflexiónDeAdviento #PreparandoLaNavidad #VenSeñorJesús

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Blessing of the Sick and Their Care Givers

The blessing will be given every 3rd Sunday of each month after all the masses the Shrine of St. Luke’s located across the Blessed Mother Chapel.

Esta bendición de hará cada 3er domingo del mes después de cada misa en el santuario de San Lucas localizado al frente de la Capilla de Nuestra Señora.

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Blessing of Animals

Bring your furry, feathered, or scaly friends to receive a special blessing in honor of St. Francis of Assisi! 🙏🐕🐈

Whether they walk, fly, or swim, all creatures great and small are welcome! Let’s celebrate God’s beautiful creation and the special bond we share with our pets. 🌿🐾

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Blessing of the Sick and Their Care Givers

The blessing will be given every 3rd Sunday of each month after all the masses the Shrine of St. Luke’s located across the Blessed Mother Chapel.

Esta bendición de hará cada 3er domingo del mes después de cada misa en el santuario de San Lucas localizado al frente de la Capilla de Nuestra Señora.

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No Greater Love

No Greater Love

Mark your calendars for No Greater Love, a inspirational and profound celebration of the Easter season!

The Xavier Company is a group of culturally diverse, ecumenical performers who are using the arts to promote spiritual values and social justice. Their members are all professional performing artists who donate their talents to produce creative works that have spiritual and social significance.

This musical drama will be performed at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart on Sunday, March 24th at 4:00 PM. The flyer details the event. Please share this information with your parish, school, and friends. Please use the QR Code below or contact the Cathedral at (973) 484-4600 to provide your responses.

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An Advent Carol

An Advent Carol

You are cordially invited to the production of An Advent Carol, a musical drama for the Christmas Season. This play brings a message of hope and healing to our audience and takes them on a journey from the Annunciation to the Flight into Egypt. The characters of Mary, Joseph, Anna, Joachim and Elizabeth are masterfully crafted as genuine people who struggle with hopes and dreams, fears and doubts. An Advent Carol offers a message of hope and freedom to the alienated and oppressed and stretches far beyond the traditional Christmas pageant.

The Xavier Company is a group of culturally diverse, ecumenical performers who are using the arts to promote spiritual values and social justice. Their members are all professional performing artists who donate their talents to produce creative works that have spiritual and social significance.

This musical drama will be performed at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart on Sunday, December 10th at 4:00 PM. Please share this information with your parish, school, and friends. There is no reserved seating, however we would like to determine a headcount of those attending. Please use the QR Code on the flyer or contact the Cathedral to provide your responses.

Mark your calendars for An Advent Carol, a joyful and profound celebration of the Christmas season

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